// Preamble // define interests = ['childhood dreams', 'tips of BA teachers', 'family know-how'] define max_wait_time = 10 days //change accordingly list_of_possible_supervisors = new list() list_of_answers = new list() list_of_universities = new list() do list_of_possible_universities = google(interests) for each (list_of_universities as university) list_of_possible_supervisors.add(university,interests) endfor for each (list_of_possible_supervisors as possible_supervisor) email(possible_supervisor, interests) possible_supervisor.initialise_wait_time() endfor //do polling of supervisor list do for each (list_of_possible_supervisors as possible_supervisor) feedback = check_email_from(possible_supervisor) if exist(feedback) redefine interests = change(interests, feedback) list_of_answers.add(answer(feedback)) list_of_possible_supervisors.remove(possible_supervisor) if not exist(list_of_universities[possible_supervisor.university()]) list_of_universities.add(possible_supervisor.university()) endif elseif possible_supervisor.current_wait_time() > max_wait_time list_of_possible_supervisors.remove(possible_supervisor) endif endfor while list_of_possible_supervisors.count() > 0 while list_of_universities.count() > 0 // Aplication phase // //Most of it is just for show: we all know at most 1 university answers back for each list_of_universities as university application(university,list_of_answers.from_university(university)) university.initialise_wait_time() endfor //poll each university response list_of_accepted_letters = new list() do for each list_of_universities as university response = check_mail_from(university) if exist(response) and response = 'accepted' list_of_accepted_letters.add(get_letter(response)) list_of_universities.remove(university) elseif university.current_wait_time() > max_wait_time list_of_universities.remove(university) endif endfor while list_of_universities.count() > 0 if list_of_accepted_letters.count() == 0 return 'Failure. No applications accepted. Run again for another try.' endif // Scholarship phase // //assuming you have a scholarship, and if you do, it's always just 1 //that you're eligible for if not family_savings_ok() do if exists(feedback) redefine interests = change(interests, feedback) endif essay = write_essay(interests) [answer, feedback] = apply_to_scholarship (essay, list_of_accepted_letters) while answer == 'no' define soul = extract_from(interests) money = letter_from_scholarship(answer,soul) accepted_university = extract_from(feedback) else money = beg_from_parents(); accepted_university = extract_from(list_of_accepted_letters.random()) endif // First year // supervisor = meet_supervisor(university.supervisor) project = remind(supervisor) list_of_papers_to_read = extract_from(supervisor) list_of_papers_read = new list() do for each list_of_papers_to_read as paper list_of_papers_read.add(read(paper)) list_of_papers_to_read.remove(paper) redefine interests = change(interests, paper) redefine project = change(project, interests, paper) endfor list_of_papers_to_read = send_to_supervisor(supervisor, list_of_papers_read) while current_time() < 10 months redefine project = extract_from(list_of_papers_read, project, interests) first_year_report = write_report(list_of_papers_read,project) feedback = first_year_viva(first_year_report, supervisor) if feedback == 'fail' return 'Submit for an MPhil.' endif first_year_report = rewrite(first_year_report, feedback) // Second year // list_of_papers_to_write = extract_from(supervisor, first_year_report) list_of_papers_written = new list() list_of_publications = new list() for each list_of_papers_to_write as paper list_of_papers_to_read = extract_from(paper) list_of_papers_read = new list() do for each list_of_papers_to_read as paper list_of_papers_read.add(read(paper)) list_of_papers_to_read.remove(paper) redefine interests = change(interests, paper) redefine project = change(project, interests, paper) endfor list_of_papers_to_read = send_to_supervisor(supervisor, list_of_papers_read) while list_of_papers_to_read.count() > 0 paper.introduction = extract_from(list_of_papers_read) paper.rest = extract_from(project, interests, ass) cry() journal = find_journal(paper, supervisor, project) if exists(journal) pray() feedback = submit_to(journal,paper) if exist(feedback) do paper = rewrite(paper, feedback) feedback = submit_to(journal,paper) while current_time() < journal.publishing_date() list_of_publications.add(paper) endif endif list_of_papers_written.add(paper) endfor second_year_report = write_report(first_year_report,list_of_papers_written,project) if current_time() < 2 years road_trip() start_a_band() play_world_of_warcraft() sleep() read(second_year_report) endif feedback = second_year_viva(second_year_report, supervisor) if feedback == 'fail' return 'Submit for an MPhil.' endif second_year_report = rewrite(second_year_report, feedback) // Third year // while list_of_publications.count() == 0 for each list_of_papers_written as paper journal = find_journal(paper, supervisor, project) if exists(journal) pray() feedback = submit_to(journal,paper) if exist(feedback) do paper = rewrite(paper, feedback) feedback = submit_to(journal,paper) while current_time() < journal.publishing_date() list_of_publications.add(paper) endif endif endwhile thesis.introduction = extract_from(list_of_papers_read,second_year_report) thesis.rest = write_thesis(list_of_publications) feedback = phd_viva(thesis, supervisor, supervisor.external_examiner) if feedback == 'fail' return 'Submit for an MPhil.' else thesis = rewrite(thesis, feedback) return 'Congratulations, Dr. You' endif
Pseudo-Code for a PhD
Un año mas, un año menos
It has been a year... so? What's changed?
I'm in a relationship that has challenged me to not only fulfill the part that lies in my responsability and that I usually am not able to meet, but to also commit to a long-distance situation that is famous for its difficulty. However, it has sustained me, I don't know how, but if it wasn't for it, I would probably be lost (more so than I am right now); I tend to be a loner, and seeing myself relying and pursuing the oral company of someone is not something that I'd expect. At the same time, it's not a question of reliability, as being so far away there is so much that someone can do to help. It is a matter of reflection, of feedback (ironically, me in the Control Engineering side); we're a mirror of each other, with all its caveats: I talk like a madman (yes, that hasn't changed) and she's the silent type; I'm more in the commercial arts, while she's more underground; I'm a techy, she's a bio; I don't read, while she loves it; I'm a raging thundershower, she's a spring breeze; I'm a know-it-all, while she actually does. Yet, we click, we nod in the same direction... Thank you Carmen, I love you.
I'm a fullblown PhD student now, with all its glory and stress. I am getting the hang of it though, little by little. I've found that is a matter for persistance, not in the work part, but in the planning. Knowing what to do today and the next day is always comforting. That, and waking up early really helps to get over stuff quickly.
Finally, I'm still here; I'm still going at it. I guess that's the thing that I should be most grateful for. I just hope I'm going about this the right way.
A sense of wonder, the joy of day, and glory of self, all smiling concur with the sound insane.