
On the last month, I've written around five rants that I've posted in the Internet (mainly in news.com) ... so that's around 1 every six days. Being that I (with another friend) just figured this out, I've decided to begin a "Rant of the Week" scheme in this blog. I'll still post my sad personal life stories (a lot of stuff has already being published here, and I don't have the time to begin another blog and republish all the technical stuff of this blog to the other; besides, I'm too lazy to manage two blogs... although, now that i think about it, it wouldn't be that time consuming... mmm, i'll think about it).

Anyway, for the time being, every rant title will be "Rant SQL-formed_date: title". I think the use of a SQL-formed date in the title will in some future make these rants easier to find and more easily uploaded to a database somewhere... jeje, look at me, all technical, jeje =).

The rant posts will be divided in two sections: a "Notes before reading" section which will be a list of bulleted notes given to make you better understand where the rant is coming from: a * bullet is information of where the rant was posted, or the location of the article being discussed accompanied by a brief summary; a - bullet is information about the backdrop about what was happenning in the thread that the rant was posted on and the internet slang used in the rant, like IMO is In My Opinion, or WYSIWYG is What You See Is What You Get (if for some reason I fail to explain anyone of these slang terms in this section, there's a very good web page that can help you out with that, and if it's not there, Google's very reliable jeje); I like to come back to my rants and read/change them from time to time, so this section will be very dynamic in the early publishing stages. The other section will be the "Rant" section itself, in which i will be pouring my guts out happily, probably cutting it out into several parts (all will be explained in the "Notes before reading" section of each rant, not to worry).

Enjoy the rants!

Oh, and by the way: for now I'll post two of the ones that I already have posted over the internet with their respective dates, so don't think that i'm a full-time ranter, they've just being bundling up jeje... (see? the dates on the titles are already proving their use, jeje)

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